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This is the third turntable and roundhouse on the MONON in Bloomington, IN  and was built between 1907 and 1911.  This photo was taken shortly after its construction and the foundation had not yet been fully backfilled as evidenced by the pile of rock under the door at the end of the roundhouse for access.  This turntable was 80' long and a through girder type.  In February of 1929 it was replaced with a 100', deck type, turntable according to Authorization for Expenditure record # 4817.  That would make the last turntable the fourth one in Bloomington.

This facility was built several hundred feet south of the 2nd roundhouse and South St. (Hillside) after 1907 and was operational before January 1911.  ( see maps below )  We know this because this facility is shown on the 1913 Maps and  the locomotive next to the water tower is steam locomotive #210.  Engine 210 was renumber 230 on January 1, 1911 therefore this picture was taken between 1907 and January 1, 1911.   There is a lot of interesting information on this photograph.  On the far right at least 8 cabooses can be seen on the siding.   Next to the water tower a coaling derrick is in operation.  Three men are walking in front of the steam engine just off the turntable.  This is also a rare picture of a Monon stock cars.  The flat cars loaded with stone appear to have special couplers.  Also notice the running boards for brakemen to run the top of the train to turn brake wheels. 

click on maps for larger view